Friday, October 26, 2012

Here Comes the Sun! Soleil's Birth Story

I read an article about various women’s pregnancies in the magazine ‘Wellbeing’ and it inspired me to write about Soleil’s.
Marc and I weren’t planning on having a child just yet, especially since I just landed a great teaching position at Confederation Park Community School, but I believe that everything happens for a reason.  Marc and I had been dating a short time, but we both felt like we had known each other our whole lives.  It was coincidental that we just had a conversation about having children the week before we found out we were pregnant.  I had a bad day at school and said something like there was no way I was ever having children.  Marc said he was okay with that since he already had 2 wonderful kids.  I woke up the next day and firmly told him I did want to have kids and we had better discuss it because there was no way I was going to be with someone who did not want to have children.  Marc said he was okay with having more if it happened sooner rather than later, although I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean next week!  Marc and I were quite surprised when we found out we were expecting.  I was more speechless than Marc.  He said he had suspicions because I had been urinating more frequently and was a lot more tired than usual.   That weekend I was spotting and thought I had miscarried.  I felt an incredible, overwhelming sadness.  I felt like I lost something so precious, even though I just found out 2 days earlier.  I can’t even imagine how heartbreaking it would be to those parents who have had miscarriages.  Marc and I went to the doctor that day. After a positive confirmation, I knew that at that very moment I wanted a baby and I would do everything in my power to make sure my baby was safe, happy, and loved.
Throughout my pregnancy I read all kinds of baby information books. Since I was teaching at the time and reading quite a bit of teaching material, I appreciated the quick helpful hints from “The Pregnancy Journal; A Day-to-Day Guide to a Healthy and Happy Pregnancy”. It had great info of what my body was going through, what my body needed and interesting facts about what other cultures do all in 2-4 pages.  It also brought a nice balance of information to the monthly sections of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”.  I continued going to yoga until I was 7 months pregnant.  It wasn’t prenatal, but I knew my body well enough, spoke to the instructor, and just modified the positions. I ate small healthy meals, especially with Marc cooking, and went for daily walks up until the day I had Soleil.  I didn’t have any major cravings or complications.  I continued to receive monthly massages from Dan Oulette and weekly for the last month.  I also added a few sessions of energy work from sacral cranial therapist, Linda Fisher.  It really helped during my second trimester when I had little to no energy.  She said there was some blockage in my spleen and the day after my treatment with her I felt amazing again! Overall, I had a wonderful pregnancy.
I never imagined having a home birth.  Then again I never imagined having a birth of any kind. I’m pretty sure I watched a scary video or I overheard my mom telling scary things from her 7 deliveries in hospitals to make me supress any thoughts of the kind.   I always thought you were just supposed to go to the hospital to have your baby and that was that.  When Marc told me he delivered his daughter in a planned home birth, it intrigued me.  I did some research and the more I read, the more I knew having a home birth was the right choice for me.  We made some calls and had our names put on a long waiting list to have a midwife.  We attended informative prenatal classes at Birth Rhythms hosted by a doula named Jude.  She was wonderful and the class was amazing! We considered hiring Jude for our doula, but it wasn’t in our budget.  Marc and I are still in contact with Jude and the small group of parents from the class!   Coincidentally, we were all looking forward to having home births.   
Marc and I tried calling a few more times to the midwives to see if we got in and we were sooooo lucky that there was a cancellation.  We met with our very own midwife, Roz during my 7th month!!!  We were so excited and I was especially relieved that I wouldn’t have to endure an invasive hospital birth.  At 34 I knew myself. Even though I’m not a private person I knew I wouldn’t be able to focus on what my body needed to do to deliver a baby if I had a bunch of strangers around.  We began to prepare further for our homebirth by gathering music, writing out a birth plan, purchasing all the necessary supplies and nesting all the final details.  Most women have their first child later than their due date so we weren’t quite 100% prepared with 8 days to go.  The birthing pool was supposed to come the next day and I still had work to do at school. 
It was 9 p.m. on Monday, October 25 and Marc was busy nesting in the kitchen making muffins and cooking chicken.  I was writing a curriculum evaluation that was due the next day.  My contractions began consistently at 10 minute intervals. I assumed it was false labour.  In our class they said to have a warm bath and they should go away.  I finished as much as I could of the evaluation and at 10pm I went to have a nice warm bath.  I got out of the tub and within a few minutes they came back, only stronger.  I remember at one point lying across my yoga ball asking Marc when the (according to our prenatal classes) “happy face stage” would come.  In between supporting me through contractions, writing down my experiences, and baking muffins Marc called Roz at 1:15 a.m., knowing we were in the ‘transition stage’.  When she came in at 1:45 a.m. she was quietly whispering to Marc.  I asked them to be quite as nicely as I could, because I was trying to focus on what my body needed.  Even their whispering made it difficult to stay focused.  When they whispered again I lost my focus, my connection to myself.   I got out of the tub and began screaming with more intensity from the contractions.  Marc and Roz were looking at each other as if they were wondering if one of them should smack me back into the zone. Roz calmly explained that I needed to refocus and told me I was doing a good job and I was back on track.  
I usually don’t take pain relievers in general and definitely none that could possibly have a significant effect on my unborn child. I did take 2 Advil right before Roz got there and felt they helped a lot.   During our prenatal classes we learned that laughing gas has no effect on an unborn child and I felt comfortable taking it.  I asked Roz if I could have some of that laughing gas now but she said it was too late for that now as I was going to be having a baby very soon. In some way this helped me stay on track.  I began pushing, my eyes were closed, and I was listening to what Roz and my body were telling me to do.  She made me feel like whatever my body was telling me to do was what I needed to do. I knew I didn’t want to be pushing for four hours so I made sure to give an extra ‘umph’. Three pushes later, as I was squatting on my bathroom floor with Marc pressing on my lower back, Roz told me to get ready because I will have to catch my baby. At 2:02 am, after only 5 hours of contractions, Soleil Emma Marie was born a healthy, perfect 6 pounds and 9 ounces in the comfort of our own home. I was immediately in love.  I looked into her eyes and said, “Awwwh, it’s a real bay-bee!  So you’re what’s been kicking me for the last 9 months.” We all sat on the bathroom floor for about 20 minutes in awe of this wonderful amazing creature. I can honestly say that giving birth to Soleil was the most amazing, wonderful, miraculous moment of my life. I’m not sure if it’s because she was born in one, but she has loved bathrooms ever since.  After she was born, we hung around in bed bonding for four days without getting dressed.    Sometimes I can look at her and start crying because I love her so much.  

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