Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How I Discovered my Chakras; An Unusual but Amazing Experience!

While working 40 plus hours I attended university fulltime and went through a divorce from a 13 year relationship. I worked extremely hard to obtain a B.Ed. degree with distinction and pay some tuition fees along the way.  As a way to minimize the stress I did regular exercise such as parking several blocks from the University and walking, riding my bike when I could, going to the University gym, taking yoga classes and/or going for walks and jogs. I also had much needed monthly massages. However, with all the busy-ness and chaos I still lost myself.  I remember walking through the university halls feeling numb, heavy, and gray. One time I paused as I was walking to class trying to remember how I got there. I think back on it now and wonder how the heck did I do that and what the heck was I thinking?!  

The first time I heard the word, ‘chakra’ was from the massage therapist. He gave me a brochure and suggested I read about them. I was a little curious but didn’t have extra time at this point in my life. I’m pretty sure I glanced at it briefly before tossing it out.  During the following massage session something very unusual happened.  I was lying on the table as he worked on my stomach.  It felt as though he was pressing on a hard rock.  He told me to visualize throwing the rock away.  I imagined throwing it in a lake. I repeated this action a few times, but every time I checked it was still in my hand.  I told him I couldn’t throw it away because I would feel an empty spot without it. He asked me what I could put in its place once it was gone.  I told him I was looking for something pink or something red, but I couldn’t find something soft enough. He suggested I put some feathers there until I found that perfect thing. I didn’t tell him but I thought that feathers were ridiculous. They weren’t the right size or shape. I’m pretty sure I even scrunched my nose at the idea. However, within a couple minutes I was surprised that the hard rock in my stomach had changed to a moveable, plasticine-like substance.   

As I paid for the session I was quiet, confused, and contemplative. I wondered to myself why I said those things. I’ve had regular massages for a few years and I’ve never said anything like that before. What did the rock represent and why couldn’t I throw it away? Who says, “Something pink or something red” in a massage session? What did those colours mean? What is the perfect, soft something that is pink or red? I was very intrigued. He suggested I learn about chakras to help understand what went on in the massage session.  I simply nodded, but was extremely curious by this time and made a mental note to look them up as soon as I had the chance! 

After the session I drove by the weir on the way to work.  I couldn’t take my eyes off of the sparkling river. I felt the need to breathe in the surroundings and I just had to go there. I had about 15 minutes before I had to be at work. I spent those precious minutes mindfully watching the river flow, the birds fly by and the people around me. I never felt more aware, grounded, and connected. It was incredible!  As soon as I got the chance I did a Google search about chakras.  I discovered that the stomach area he was working on included a ‘sacral chakra’ and was related to the element of water. I thought it was pretty fascinating and coincidental that I had the desire to go to the weir after my treatment and how amazing and fulfilled I felt afterward. 

I soon became consumed with learning everything there was to know about chakras. I was researching about them every moment I possibly could. Within a week or so I started following a simple 10-15 minute guided meditation I found on the website I would take out a little box that contained something I specifically chose to relate to each chakra.  Some items matched the colour or element of the chakra which helped me visualize what I wanted them to look like. I began each meditation by saying a prayer of thanks and guidance.  Then I glanced at the item that related to the chakra I was ‘cleansing’ and visualized it being pure and clean.  Next I would include the hand mudra associated with the chakra and quietly say the sound connected to it, just like the website suggests. At the end of each session I visualized sealing up my bubble or aurora as a protection against any negative energy.  I then said a prayer of thanks to God and put my special items away. The first several times were very methodical.  

About a week later something amazing happened. It was 7:45 am and I had finished meditating on my root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras.  I then took out a green jade gemstone, my heart chakra item, and focused on making it a pure green. I checked the paper from the website to make sure my hand placement and posture was correct. I started making the sounds, “yaaaam, yaaaaam”, just like I had been doing. It still felt meticulous and orderly until all of a sudden out of nowhere I began to cry. It wasn’t like any cry I had before. It was the biggest bawl I had in a very long time. It felt like the most cleansing cry of my life! I had the deepest, longest exhale.  It felt like forever until I inhaled again. On the exhale I felt all the black, dark negative junk empty my body.  On what it felt like was the longest inhale, a wave of bright light filled my entire body.  It was such an incredible experience. I felt calm, at peace, and I loved myself, the world, and everything in it.  The grayness that had once surrounded me was lifted and in its place was pure love and peace.  

I am so thankful I learned about chakras. Since then I’ve had many amazing experiences getting to know how my body and spirit are connected.  Whenever I’m feeling low or lacking in life I refer back to my favourite nonfiction book about chakras;   The Complete Guide to Chakras: Vintage Edition: Unleash the Positive Power Within, by Ambika Wauters. Every time I read it I learn so much more about myself and get great advice on what to do when life gets complicated.  If you are ever feeling disconnected, lacking in life, and/or alone I would highly recommend you read the book, try following the meditation from the website and/or include your own personal reflection on your inner most self. Taking a few minutes each day to explore what feels right to your body has such a positive impact.  It may take a few times to see results, but it is so worth it!